The Teaching of the Jodo Sect
Ryuganji Temple belongs to the Jodo sect of Buddhism.
This sect was founded in 1175 by a monk Honen (1133-1212), and its fundamental teaching is to worship Amitabha Buddha with single-minded devotion.
Sutras such as the Sukhavati Sutra, which the Jodo sect relies on, state that those who adore Amitabha Buddha receive his protection, and that they will be welcomed from the Pure Land when they reach the end of their lives.
Therefore, Honen taught this simple practice of chanting Namu Amida Butsu (I seek refuge in Amitabha Buddha). His teaching was quite innovative, as Buddhist practice in earlier times required deep study and strict precepts.
Chanting Namu Amida butsu was easily practiced, even by the uneducated and the poor. He was a great monk who liberated Buddhism to all people.
Our Belief
In 2014, Ikeguchi Ryuho became the 24th head priest of Ryuganji Temple, and since then we have successfully completed many innovative projects, most notably the Drone Buddha.
Some people in Japan say that it is not appropriate for a temple. However, Japanese temples have continued to incorporate innovative technology, which is why they are so majestic today. Also, as we wrote earlier, Honen was also an innovator. Being innovative should be considered quite normal.
We will carry on the belief of Honen who preached Buddhism equally without judging people according to their status.
We hope that the teachings of Buddhism will connect people’s hearts transcending differences in nationality, and gently embrace the world with compassion.

Profile of Ikeguchi Ryuho
The 24th head priest of Ryuganji Temple.
Born September 7, 1980 in Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture. Raised in Saimyoji Temple, he studied Indian and Tibetan Buddhism at Kyoto University and its graduate school.
After dropping out of graduate school, he began serving at Chion-in in April 2005.
In August 2009, he founded and became the representative of “Freestyle Monks,” a group of young monks from super-sects who work to create opportunities to encounter Buddhism by publishing a free magazine, etc.
In June 2014, he became the head priest of Ryuganji Temple.